Uploaded with ImageShack.us Cheers guys , this account(u can fetch@find it in HoN as SorelSan) own following features : Alt Avatars -> Glorious Dark Lady Minotaur Behemoth Bone Behemoth Polarmonium Blood Moonqueen Voodoo Raptor Frost Rider Dryad Warden Flint Boomstick Phantom Defiler Vigilante Vindicator Steam Flux White Lotus Silhouette Ladybug Pestilence Mountain Tundra Rosie Engineer Rainbow Rampage Unicorn Rampage Mystic Tempest Mage Empath Grim Reaper Crustacean Kraken Helga Hammerstorm Queen Arachna Vacation Dampeer Captain Flint Teen Hound Adventure Gladiator Ninja Bubbles El Guantelete Pimp Slayer Naughty Succubus Clown Devourer Nightmare Madman Cannon Bombardier Raven Soulstealer Female Glacius Scorpion Magnus Pollywog Chieftain Sexy Moon Queen Female Pyromancer Golden / Limited Edition : Mecha Gemini Scorcher HeadHunter Valkyrie Steampunk Electrician Bushi SwiftBlade Doll Master Brass Arachna Clockwork Archer Shaka Nomad Xeno Predator Horsemen Famine Kuznya Blacksmith Kangamonium Grandfather Time Father Time Chronos Turkey Zephyr Flaming Deadwood Death Metal Rhapsody Ronin SwiftBlade Gladius Beardicus Magus Bane Infernal Behemoth Mr. Chipper Lord Midas Centipedalisk Jade Warrior Commander Of Arms Leprechaun Blacksmith Golden Pebbles Thor Thunderbringer Winston Charmadon Bunny Predator Wretched Hottie MSIvy Slither Legendary Valkyrie Sachi SwiftBlade Account Vanity -> Account Icons : Eye Heart HoN IRage Juked Pull Them In Raven Account Vanity -> Name Colors : Diamond Blue Color Royal Tanzanite Color Game Vanity -> Taunt Normal Taunt Baby Taunt Fist Of Sol Taunt Gore Taunt Heavy Metal Taunt Game Vanity -> Announcers : BADAS.S Pack Game Vanity -> Couriers : Rat Courier Robot Courier Stats : Kills : 11205 Deaths : 15782 Assists : 16307 Matches : 2060 Disconnects : 29 Leave : 1,4% Besides all of this information , you can look around this info I just received asking HoN staff how much $ I've spent on this account. "A staff member has replied to your question -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi, A total of $420 has been spent on the account including the account purchase. Regards, Erik S. "vorador" S2 Games Support S2 Games, LLC Price : ~ 350 $ bump bump bump bump bump *removed* impostor!!!