So,last week i bought a phone from Ebay and i left a message to the seller on the payment to change the price on the invoice to something under $50 cus i'll pay high importing fees if it got in with the original price so he shipped it ,first i thought he changed it everything was going okay until i got a call from a FedEx assistant telling that i have to go to the importing center on the airport (+300km from where i live) and also he said we will send a form that you need to fill i said okay, 2 days later i got it ...........the ******* phone worth $400 and the importing fees was $300 + FedEx storing fees $80 and everyday they add $20 + i need to skip school for 2 days to go there pay ,so basically i'm love you up . if you're wondering what country is this, MOROCCO any suggestion to what to do, i want my money back ? tracking :