Sold Trading My Account

Discussion in 'Captain Tsubasa Dream Team Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/JabbaPaff, 3/7/18.

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  1. /u/JabbaPaff

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    Hey guys i thought about trading my account if someone can offer me something interesting for it.

    Ill list my gacha ssrs and if you are interested i would appreciate if you do so too .

    gk: genzo(sggk lvl 20)2nd genzo for future skill transfer to keep the red one, 2x hernandez (blue) def:2x robson, jito(red),oweiran,matsuyama,gentile(blue) dm: kaltz,akai om: tsubasa (green)2x can be transfered to any tsubasa and keep 1 true captaincy for future,pierre 2x, misaki(boomerang shot),misugi 30 min, diaz(blue), fw: nye schneider 2x (fireshot lvl 10), raiju hyuga (shot lvl 8) , hino(b60), green schneider.

    all skills possible are farmed to max a few are farmed more than once like drive shot pass and santana low shot b60, raids like levin are fully farmed too. i finished all tsubasa cups at around top 0.5% and im almost winning all online pvp matches and finished last normal cup as superstar a. the team is extremely well synergized and hits hard in the current meta. Im interested in accounts with levin and df characters since its the only reason i want to trade. the total strenght is at 470k and deals easily with teams at 520k+ real players.

    looking forward for offers have a nice day :)

    # #/JabbaPaff
    # .
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