Selling Great Neo Monsters Account For Sale

Discussion in 'Neo Monsters Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Kakarotto1098, 3/6/18.

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  1. Kakarotto1098

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    I've spent a lot of time and effort on this account but less and less time is available to keep it going so it's better off in someone else's hands. There are 39 legendaries (17 ultra evolved, 18 ready to ultra evolve, 4 need a little training) and a bunch of super epics. I can provide pictures as well, give me your email and I can send pics, answer any questions, or show you more things in detail. I am rank 102 with 66 gems, 97 rickets, and a team total 206. I believe the account is worth around $200 but like I said I am 100% willing to negotiate price. Another thing is I best the super challenge battle pretty much every time with my monsters and they do great competitively. The only thing stopping me from rank 100 and below is my lack of time.
    #1 Kakarotto1098, 3/6/18
    Last edited: 3/6/18
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