How to Report a Feedback Dispute Please fill out all 6 questions below. You must provide proof or your claim cannot be validated. 1. Date Dispute Happened 2. Are You The Buyer or Seller Seller 3. Total Transaction Value Example: $50 USD 4. Other Members Username Iridiscence 5. Why Should The Feedback Be Removed Fake buyer who tried to scam me, he never tried to buy from me, the last freedback removed for me was from his alt account 6. Provide All Chat Logs, Screenshots and Additional Information Below
Can someone resolve this faster, it s obvs the retard post useless things. I never traded with him and I told him to buy from playerup. Fake feedback remain the same.
Hey... @Hulk I have already given too much proof that he is a scammer. Of course please don't judge by the badges as for scammers they are a method to get more trust and money. But I thought we talked about how he would be getting banned because @Emporer was an alt account of @Tricker. He provided no proof that I did not buy it but indeed I did, if you can please set up a video call with him and ask him to pull up my transaction (the details are still in the scam report). @Admin I hate to tag mods because usually they get annoyed with the spam but please look at this scam report @Emperor is an alt account of @Tricker | PlayerUp Accounts Marketplace. Player 2 Player Secure Platform. Without further a do, let me just start with the note that he was selling the EXACT SAME ACCOUNTS AS TRICKER. On top of this, he "coincidentally" has the same Skype ID as Tricker. So I'm seriously questioning the intellectual ability of @Emporer AKA @Tricker, why would you want feedback removed when there is literal proof that you scammed people. Lastly, I'm still wondering why mods are not banning him yet, already made two scam reports on him - 1 with the proof that he is an alt of a scammer - 2 my original transaction with him off-site and the details with it. Dispute Stole Money - Scammed me $55 Paypal Whiel Trying to Buy Vainglory Account | PlayerUp Accounts Marketplace. Player 2 Player Secure Platform. Note: Oh my didn't check the later posts on this thread but did not get any refund and he stated that he would never bother for a $50 scam on something he spent hundreds of $$$ on but do keep in mind that he WAS selling the account for $50 at the time (thread he made was deleted I wonder who did it). And now that I see it I realized that @Emporer IS @Tricker(because of the thread replies on this thread). So now I got total proof that this @Emporer account of his is fully connected to the other scams made on other forums as said in this thread above. Mods please just search his old Skype on google and check out other forums and pay attention to the fact that he is banned on all of them (of course on top of that he had perks on the website that made him look more trustworthy). Link for those who didn't live:trick_251 - Pesquisa Google Note the forums EpicNp* and Elitepv*ers - banned He also tried selling the accounts on Ownedc*re but he couldn't find customers to scam lmao. Everyone reading this use your common sense, after selling on so many forums over a long period of time how come he is still selling ALL of these accounts. Wow... something is going on And this is considering that these accounts are all REALLY good and are VERY cheap compared to what they are truly worth (limited skins and etc.) So sales should be a piece of cake, but alas my friend @Emporer is selli-*cough* scamming other people these accounts. Honestly I'm spending way too much time writing this up but this is because we got a halfwit who doesn't have proof and arguing while not denying my claims. And even if he does deny them later on he can't do anything about it because once you scam its always a scam. Note to OP: @Emporer you retard don't bank on people not being active to make reports and getting away with it. I will persist until you get banned and make sure ANY account you sell on any forum in the future - I will find, report, and connect it with all the other scams you made on other forums. I'm sick of this shi* and mods please do me the good deed and cleanse this forum by banning this jackas*.
No proof ? And I got way more proof. In fact I took the extra step and made an alt Skype to talk to you and make sure you weren't afk or something. And you were actively still selling it. Let the chat log speak. Do note, once I persisted on you giving me proof that you refunded my actual Skype id you just blocked me and clearly that says something. Background info: I tried to appeal as a seller to him. But clearly here he states that he already sold it for 70$ before selling it to me (yet now he is selling account again). And on this account when I asked him whether or not he scammed Iridesence he just said I annoy him. And he wanted me to buy using the playerup link still though . Clearly what he did back then was basically take back access of the account once someone bought from him. Honestly why are we even talking to someone who has way too much proof of scamming. Anyways enjoy. 7:42 PM hm Lucas, 7:42 PM We can use other mm From playerup or elitepvers 7:42 PM alright.... but my main concern is that i recently started getting into the mobile moba and idk whether to choose mobile legend or vainglory this mans just sent me proof Lucas, 7:43 PM Vainglory will be more popular after they add 5v5 7:43 PM Srsly oh hsit damn Lucas, 7:44 PM AoV will be best 7:44 PM i thought it was only 3 v3 what is that Lucas, 7:44 PM Arena of Valor 7:44 PM idk that game lel Lucas, 7:44 PM Best moba And most popular 7:44 PM i tried vainglory and mobile legends so i'll pick between those two.. Lucas, 7:44 PM But skins is expensice 7:44 PM what do you think is better in the long temr mobile legends or vainglory Lucas, 7:44 PM Arena of Valor 7:45 PM i don't know it and my friends don't play it Lucas, 7:45 PM 50kk players in China 7:45 PM well thats faking china ******* not USA . Lucas, 7:45 PM Ah In US will be released next year 7:45 PM Well still I can't play it Lucas, 7:46 PM But that will be the most played game in the world 7:46 PM clash of clans bro cladlol lol anyways Lucas, 7:46 PM Vainglory best And Heroes Evolved 7:46 PM apparently this guy named iridescence is getting your vainglory account banned and he already reported you to devs so idk if i can buy Lucas, 7:46 PM Good luck to him (cwl) 7:47 PM Lol how do you even report Lucas, 7:47 PM Il get the nega removed in couple days And il get him banned 7:47 PM Wait so a question can you show me your PayPal history? that will decide everything I don't care about anything else because PayPal is the only thing that can't lie and clearly PayPal is siding toward this guy Lucas, 7:49 PM K sec 7:49 PM actually could we screenshare because there is something called inspect element Gyazo - 0689433654b99102f5abc778b5ee73dc.png so none of that love you Lucas, 7:50 PM Why croped xd 7:50 PM Gyazo - 05b24893f96a704307aefb2702db0b08.png because i can't send link apparently lol Lucas, 7:50 PM lol 7:50 PM he sent this to me and this cannot be inspected elemtned esepcially that repeat this transaction part anyways wanna screenshare? Lucas, 7:51 PM I kida don't 7:51 PM if u pass this test... ill buy fuking everything from you lol Lucas, 7:51 PM I don't really want you to call me 7:51 PM well first Lucas, 7:51 PM For apparent reasons ) 7:51 PM you can get PayPal set up and then screenshare i'll be on mute lol you can be on mute lol so we gucci Lucas, 7:52 PM That's not the problem Look if you want get any middleman from playerup or Or buy from the direct link 7:52 PM I want to see whether or not you scammed Lucas, 7:52 PM Otherwise I go play some WoW 7:52 PM judging from that I will buy I can pay you 200$ for mobile legends or like 55$ for vainglory if you actually refunded Lucas, 7:53 PM I sold the acc 7:53 PM to whom? Lucas, 7:53 PM Some time ago for 70$ 7:53 PM then why did you sell it to him yesterday? wtf so it is scam? Lucas, 7:54 PM Couple time ago 7:54 PM this man... i feel bad for him Lucas, 7:54 PM Omg you annoy me already 7:54 PM oh
Oops... turned out to be really bad formatting but Lucas is @Emporer Gyazo - 667f7938c9da312cdfdce943e3e24096.png
@Admin @Avatar PR @Hulk Sorry for the tag but want to get this resolved asap before I have to take a short break from this site. I do not want @Emporer to win due to me going afk. All of us know what the truth is and the fact that he hasn't responded proves it even further... regardless please read the long reply I sent and ban him asap.
@Iridescence Admin is already here. This case should still be under investigation so please give some time here.
I refuse to believe that you are this unintelligent when you are such a great scammer. I am already mad that you haven't been banned yet but the mods are busy. But you did not trade with me? Lol I wonder why you said that you refunded me in this thread. Now you are trying to escape but put yourself in a deeper hole by contradicting yourself. @Admin just like @Emporer said please expedite this process and ban him.
That conversation was from my alt account and I was trying to show that you refused to show me your paypal history proving that I never bought from you. And you called me annoying and blocked me like a loser refusing to admit it lmao.