Selling  High End  1-24 Hours Vip 13, Lvl 95, 75K Diamonds, Rare Account & Extras!

Discussion in 'Pokeland Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by El_Conanas, 2/28/18.

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  1. El_Conanas

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    Hi. I'm selling my account because I don't have the time to play anymore.

    I've invested over 1k$ on it and played almost for 2 years.


    Account Details:

    Vip 13 account with 73k+ Diamonds saved on it (Invested over 1k cash on it)

    Rare Pokémon series related name
    Player Level: 95
    Vip Level: 13
    235 DNA Splicers
    6 Inherit Stones B
    Arena Rank: #2
    EXVS Rank: #2
    Collected Pokémon: 319
    Mount level: 46
    Z-Rings: MAX Rings (last one at level 30)
    1st Place In Battle Tower
    Platinum Sets Lvl 95
    Max Gears, Carry items and tickets ready
    All Elite Dungeons Cleared
    Few Master Dungeons left if you like to do them
    Tons of Rare Items and Accessory crates at hand - Including Training stones, level IV ESO's and strike cards!!!
    Maxed Explorer Journal
    Maxed Gym Skills
    Maxed Talent Points
    Current Gym Leader
    Cross Server Gym Leader and top places in champions league easily
    All support pokémon ready to use (Zygarde only required training)
    Current Guild: #1 Ranked in Server
    Guild Tech Maxed
    Home Beauty: 3,000
    I have many mega pokémon, shinies and stones ready to use
    Much more extras!!!

    My Main teams as now:
    1) B&W Kyurems with Origin Kyogre
    2) Tapu Lele, Uxie and Meloetta/Deoxys swap
    3) Ho-oh, Mega Rayquaza and Tornadus

    Every main pokémon is flashed and I have over 1200 flash coins available!

    Account Current Shards:
    + 2,000 pokémon general shards
    Loads and loads of uni shards on each pokémon: for example - 981 Guzzlord, 800 darkrai, 600 pheromosa, etc
    + 1,200 flash coins
    All Medals Max levels, with many crystals available to use and upgrade
    Almost 200 lair hunt maps ready to use at hand

    Current Diamond amount: 73,000+

    You can get FREE DAILY DIAMONDS from:
    - Arena = 500 (You can recover 1st place easily)
    - Gyms = 100
    - Monster riot = 700+
    - Prime Card - 100
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. PlayerUp

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