Selling  High End Account With Multiple Characters, Especially New Servers, At Least +5 1Soc And 2Nd Rb. Some Epics

Discussion in 'Conquer Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Conner Elaschuk, 2/27/18.

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  1. Conner Elaschuk

    Conner Elaschuk
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    Here are the characters :

    NewWorld (New Server) : Ninja, lvl 137, full 2soc, ninja gears (x4) are -5% 1 epic ninja, all gears at level, full +6, 5 gears +7.

    MythicalRunes (Most recent server) : Water, lvl 134, full 1 soc, spear 2 soc with STG(SuperTortoiseGem), 33k HP, spear water, full +6, all gears lvl 120+, Super Relic, 33 days Hades Robe (5-star). nice chi

    NewChallenge : Windwalker, Lvl 134, full 1soc, weapons 2soc, gears at level, full +5, +6 wings,+6 rare steed (zebra). Guild leader with all arsenals open, no members.

    FastBlade : Windwalker, lvl 131, not full super, full +5+6+7, shitty chi, shitty characters, needs lots of work.

    Honor : Ninja, Lvl 140, no more gears besides talismans, +7 Fan Tower and Crop, +6 steed, +6 shield 2soc with torts and -5%, +6 epic ninja 2 soc super, +12 super wings 2 soc with REFINED gems, chi all 310+, 4 unbound garments, Reached max champion points.

    There are other characters, i didnt include them in details if they arent 2nd rb. The account exists since conquer does. VIP5, attached with vip6 by a vip7 (which means forever) Hit me up for more infos or if u have questions, never got scammed, all characters are secures with secondary passwords. I can send screenshots. Ridiculous offers will be ignored. you can text me 2897997610 (no fees, no matter what country you are from).
    #1 Conner Elaschuk, 3/7/18
    Last edited: 2/28/18
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