Selling   Level 87 Sorceress, Vip 13 With 2.5B Br - Ember Drake/ All Red Pets And Meta's Unlocked

Discussion in 'Legacy of Discord Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by PalmTree XD, 2/24/18.

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  1. PalmTree XD

    PalmTree XD
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    Very well established account for the small amount of time that i've been working on the account.
    Mounts - Ember Drake (lv40) Sky Drifter (lv40) Azure Dragon (lv40) Prowler White (lv40) Orion, Shademare, Spectral, Dread Beast all level 40 with mostly all Rank 4 Armaments with all Orange stats.
    Weapons - All Rank 10 awakened to level 25+
    Metamorphs - Every Metamorph is unlocked with the exception of Ezio
    Totem - Rato
    Augments - Weapon (25) Everything else is (lv22)
    Gems socketed - All gems are lv7 +
    Enchantments - All Enchantments are 4/5 flames
    Relics - All relics are unlocked with a few at stage 4
    ULtima Weapon - Weapon of dark level 8
    Sky wings - Rank 3 (almost 4) Phoenix and Asura
    Wrath Wings - All wings unlocked except for Wrath, Elysios, Poseidon, Prophecy, Warmonger and sin. 8 wings are maxed out with a couple 5s.
    Pets - All pets unlocked except Archnid lord, Hydra and Annihilus
    Soul relic - Level 165
    Class Promotion - Lv30 ( Rank B )
    Fellowship - Rank 5 with all very active members
    Merit - Rank 1 for merit on server

    For anything else just drop me a message.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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