search defiance for diablo 3 and games for steam

Discussion in 'Defiance Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 8/13/14.

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  1. Facebook

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    have all for the account:

    *just cause 2 (gift)

    *strike suit infinity (gift)

    *bioshock (key)

    *bioshock 2 (key)

    (steam obviously)

    *diablo 3 account

    search for defiance account. thanks

    steam id: vyzardc

    a guy scam my keys of bioshock but I have an account for diablo 3 . bad english sorry

    hrmmmm.... kinda dont understand you... so you have keys for other games that your trading for a defience account... how did you get scammed from your keys already o_O nvm.... going to guess you gave him the keys first without him giving you the account info? never do that... when dealing with keys and crap.... always make sure you get what your being offered first... accounts can be reversed in case of a scam but keys can not....

    Anyways.... I have a defience account, but I would rather trade it for TsW (The Secret World) so if you got that, I would be more then happy to trade

    got defiance...I want ur diablo 3

    - - - Updated - - -

    xtra i got orange challenger car on character

    MY defiance FOR YR diablo 3 account
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