Sold Selling One on the strangest Tsubasa account (521K) with all godfest players and 250db

Discussion in 'Captain Tsubasa Dream Team Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by FG Mitchy, 2/19/18.

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  1. FG Mitchy

    FG Mitchy
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    Hello guys,

    I'm French GOD Mitchy, one of the best french player in the Tsubasa gacha game (Global version).
    I decided to sell my account because I don't have time to enjoy it anymore.

    It's one of the best account in the game actually, in that account you can find :

    - The last Dreamfest collection Kazuo Tachibana
    - The three Gods tiers Natureza, Matsuyama and Diaz,
    - All the best SSR on the Global version :
    Misaki tech, Tsubasa power (with the S golden duo from Tsubasa tech),...

    Selling One on the strangest Tsubasa account (521K) with all godfest players and 250db
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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