Hello. Want to trade my MID account for a ALB account on ywain. I have a RR 9l1 50th level Norseman Master Level 9 (Spymaster) Realm Rank 9 - Stormur Herra "4,346,805" Shadowblade . Been trasferd here from EU , it name has been changed so it has no rep. Plenty of money on ... around 500 alch . Got a EU tempted hunter on rr4 Norse Valk rr6+ then some other 50tis with crap stuff on. I want a high RR Therg / Wiz plz. I can provice screens , meet ingame , meet vent . im 110% secure. bump So are you interested or not? i write to you every day and have no answer Im working mate . i dont have time to answer so fast. i dont think my sb is worth that low rr wiz . sorry i understand i have a ranger 10l8 if you want, if not im interested buying your sb BUMP!!!!!!! Still trading my 50th level Norsewomen Master Level 10 (Spymaster) champion level 10 Realm Rank 9 + - Stormur Herra She got uber temp with conflag and illusion sword . weponless temp. There is a rr5+ valkyr norse temped and ml10 cl 10 also on And rr5+ runie kobbie and rr4 hunter norse women temp needs work but playalbe. Along with this uber acc im trowing in Shammy bot and healer bot. The accounts have never been sold . never traded . never let anyone borrow them .. its legit im the only one with the passes. i want a high rr Caster on ALB ..prefer Wiz , Sorc or Therg. in exception m