Hello, i wanna sell my two accounts on Uthgard/Albion. All characters have good names and werent played the last 8 month. 1. Account Theurg lvl 50 (very good in all pvp/rvr groups/raids) with perfect template(all cap) rr4-5 Caba lvl 27 (good for solo farming) +around 4 platins +many pots in inventary/vault +good items in vault 2. Account Reaver lvl 50 (best pvp char for all events/farming) Autotrained!, perfect Temp (crafted mp flex etc.) rr4-5(near det5) 4 Chars lvl 20-30 (good for battleground) minstrel/armsman/merc and 1 more i dont remember +many dragon drops in vault +many other nice drops in vault like 6* ring of pumice (best cleric ring), 200-300 emerald/sapphire seals.... +1-2p +6 respec stones! (3 of earch kind) Im not sure about a price but i guess a fair price to start is 25