Selling  Android and iOS  High End Epic 6 x R5 50/50 Maxed Forged Top Tier Account

Discussion in 'Transformers Forged To Fight Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by KingCrab, 2/11/18.

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  1. KingCrab

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    If you are looking for an account to instantly give you an edge in the game, look no further. This is one of the best accounts available in the market right now. Forget all the other mediocre accounts that you see for sale. This is the real deal!

    This is a very RARE top tier account that is tested and proven.

    • 6 x Awakened R5 4-Stars (maxed ranked 50/50 and maxed forged)
    • 1 x T3C Warrior in stash. Potentially be 7th R5 bot and highest amount of R5 available to achieve in game at the moment
    • 30 x 4-Stars all at minimum R2; 10 x 4-Star teams in arena.
    • Over 500k points per session every 4 hours in arena with full roster.
    • Rulers of Kaon 100% completed with exclusive Fallen Titan’s Hand Relic
    • Account has been around since beta and is 100% # free and have never shared access with anyone else in the game
    • Good reputation in the game community. 100% no warnings, bans or blacklist from developer prior
    • Comes with a Google mail tagged to account so that you have full control of access
    • Best perfect synergy mission team. 5 x R5 4-Star Bots. Combined mission team of 5 bots is above 20k PI
    • All R5 4-Star Bots mentioned above have a bout 6-7 perfect synergy combinations when used for raids and alliance missions as a team of 3. Each combination gives a unique synergy bonus. Interchangeable and flexible depending on the enemy mod conditions. Unlike most other accounts where their best bots have synergy limitations, this account has been fortunate enough to have all 5 bots with perfect synergy with each and every other bot that is currently R5.
    • Rare and Exclusive 4-Star G1 Bumblebee (duped and sig unlocked) in roster. This was a game exclusive bot aside from the regular bots available through crystals for a limited time only. He can’t be purchased anymore unless there is a future release
    • Level 50 (max level) and full mastery points unlocked
    • Best possible offence mastery set-up. 2 remaining points left to use. Maxed Courage 5/5, 3/5 Starseeker Unlocked, Maxed Glass Cannon 3/3, Maxed Deep Wounds Unlocked 5/5. Total investment on masteries including earlier experimentations have cost close to USD300. Spare mastery cores in inventory.
    • Additional t2a and t3b available in stash. T3c shards as well
    • High difficulty level AM participation possible. Proven.
    • Proven success at expert level spotlight content with 100% success rate so far. Free to play. No energons required even for expert mode.
    • All the best relics in game earned through all previous spotlights and past events with 100% completion rate.

    Investment to reach this level right now easily surpasses the price I am selling. Time spent to max forge and max rank 6 x 4-star bots will take more than 10 months from beginner stage and a massive amount of money (there is currently no quicker way to do this).

    For serious gamers who want to win and stay ahead of the competition, the stats above should prove that this is a worthy investment. The account will hold value and will sell for more in future depending on your progress after the sale.

    This is a strictly cash sale. No trade offs. Payment by verified PayPal account only. Thanks for looking.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. PlayerUp

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