Sold Pets £10 - Kerala Kerala Pet Savers is a...

Discussion in 'Mobile Strike Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Praseeth CP, 2/11/18.

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  1. Praseeth CP

    Praseeth CP
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    pets £10 - Kerala Kerala Pet Savers is a privately run non-government organisation who gets absolutely no funds from the government for running this shelter and helpline. From treating strays on the streets, to giving shelter to abandoned and disabled animals in the shelter, this is what we have done. Our shelter is one place where they don’t have to be scared of anything. We are neither doing this because it is a noble cause and nor it is our profession. We do it because NOT doing anything was not an option. We feel the pain of an animal in our body, we feel the helplessness of an animal in our hearts; animal lying on the roadside, crying for help. After feeling all this, we had no choice but to reach out and help. In the beginning, we used to bring a suffering animal to our house and nurse it back to health. From there we grew and today we have an animal hospital where we treat thousands. We wanted to reach out to as many distressed animals as we could in this lifetime. Blessed are we, that we are able to do all this thanks to donors like you!! Please help us continue with our efforts for the sake of our strays and PLEASE SHARE THIS FUNDRAISER IN YOUR GROUP AND BECOME THEIR VOICE! Kerala Pet Savers close to 200 strays in the shelter whom we look after. Most of these strays are either disabled or injured or sick or orphaned. For most of them, KPS is their only home. Please help us stand strong for them and let us make sure this shelter keeps standing for them. Salaries for the staff, food expense, medical expense etc, it all comes down to around INR 2,50,000 to INR 3,00,000 a month (~USD 4600 or EUR 4000 ). This is not something we can do alone and we need the help of the community to help us maintain this infrastructure. If we stop this shelter and helpline, the strays lose their only lifeline and one organisation trying hard to stand up for them in a country where animal welfare is still not the highest priority. PLEASE HELP US HELP THEM!! Kindly help us with your donation!! £5 or £10 as you can !! Bank account number- 50100044836382 SWIFT CODE -HDFCINBBXXX
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