I want to sell my daily played Account (EU S.15XX) im out of time for browser games (family and job) and i hope u will continue to be one of the best. I will continue to play and breed him daily until u take over this top Account. It is a pvp machine, because focus is on one Artefact Hero (LuLu 5500M BR) Total 7300M BR. With that you easily beat 10.000M+ BR. Here more details. * VIP 11,5 (payed ~3000€ EXcluded Tax/fee) * 7300M BR (LuLu 5500M BR) * lvl 104 * Top 3 Arena * ALL legend and Epic Heroes * FULL Artifact Equip (Lulu maxed out) * 6 Artifact relics (Lulu maxed out) * 16 Mounts (including Artifact) * 13 pets (including artifact) * 3 Artifact soulweapons * 3 highest runes in game (Lulu wind maxed out, earth, water "120") * nearly all minions (i focused that) * Nr1. Guild (Guilde wars, Guild Mission...) i have a lot of inventory (shards, equpment, pets, upgrades, titles...) i was w8ing to focus something new, so u can easily get 1000M+ BR if u use it. on lvl 105 u also get BR update (pets and so on) i got a lot of pictures for more details, just pm me (picture say more than words greets