Sold [WTS] GOLD BLOWOUT SALE! 100M = $30 | 400mil Stock | Lowest playerup Gold Rates!

Discussion in 'Vindictus Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Helper666, 2/9/18.

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  1. Helper666

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    Letting go of this gold and trying to sell ASAP, so best playerup gold rates for you all :)

    Gold in stock: 400mil

    Rate: $30 for 100mil

    Available nearly 24/7, respond usually within 10 minutes or so. If I don't answer I'm probably sleeping.

    NOTE: Trades will be video recorded and all communication saved for providing to PayPal on the off chance you open a chargeback case to ensure you lose but hopefully none of you are scammers :)


    Contact me at live:fastlife407 via Skype when you're ready to buy.

    For any questions or concerns you can PM me or leave a reply here.
    #1 Helper666, 2/9/18
    Last edited by a moderator: 8/10/19
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