Account has all free enablers unlocked and are over level 30, Mio as the main enabler w/1m+ equipment power (combat equipment, resource gear is maybe very little) ++VIP 9, Tech is well developed but will need some love Mio is the only premium enabler and is the highest leveled. Kaguya Hime 'Normal' perm skin, and autumn wind 'Normal' perm skins are available. Farm account is roughly 1.5m power, needs a few more troops to be as useful for ruin rallies.Farm account is VIP9 (though it may require a Facebook. account to bind to, i do not have a spare) all free enablers unlocked except for masami. City is full of very nice people, a respectful buyer is appreciated!!(>ω<) Will post a middleman link Buy Now - PlayerUp Middleman Service pm or email [email protected] for more info if you want to buy thanks~!