Selling HC 108 Account VIP 15 AHP 2.5 300USD

Discussion in 'Heroes Charge Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Happy Sam, 2/6/18.

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  1. Happy Sam

    Happy Sam
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    HC lvl 108 VIP 15 (nearly 16) Account. Nearly all 5* heroes. ALL HEROES POWER: 2.5 milions. Bought 3 skins: Mani, DK, TF.

    Hey there, I'm looking to sell my VIP 15 Heroes Charge account that I've been maintaining for over 3 years and haven't missed a day of resources or completing all quests. The only reason I'm selling it is because this account has been spent a lot of time and effort. But family life does not allow you to play as much as you want. :/ I'm in the top 1-3 guild on the server. I've easily gotten Legend rank every season in the War of the Gods I easily take the award in the war of the gods for 500 place, and the account can easily perform very well in the Championship. I've also gotten first rank for my reset in Arena or GA every day for over 2 years. The account is level 108. bought an annual and season card.

    ALL HEROES POWER: 2.5 milions

    Heroes Camp:

    - War Hall: 6

    - Training Field: 6

    - Furnace: 6

    - Forge: 6

    - Vault: 6

    - Academy: 6

    - Marketplace: 6

    90% of heroes are 5 stars. 80% almost all books in the academy have been downloaded.

    R4 Heroes: 43

    R3 Heroes: 2

    R2 Heroes: 41

    R1 Heroes: 5

    R Heroes: 30

    Max training field heroes: ------55------- (All important and raids and situational heroes and heroes for the war of the gods. In general, all the most necessary for sure!))

    All Legendary heroes are unlocked as well.

    There is also a huge amount of gear for upgrades available so you can max any hero you'd like that.if you have any questions or offers; I'm willing to negotiate! Paypal will be the easiest way for both of us to make the trade.


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