Account on Gmail in server 37. This is the list of what i have. 1) 6m Gold 2) 12k Gem. 3) In inventory; 90 m Food. 80 m Wood. 20 m Stone 40m Ore. 4) Fully Gear 2m Genghis Khan general. 5) Vip 12 6) Academy is nearly Full in order to coming from new update. 7) 25 Level all buildings. 8) 93 Adv Port. 66 Arrest Order. 9) 100 pieces of all Boost. 10) 50 Life Stone. 11) Most of Lv3. Skill Books. 12) Monarch Gear is mostly archer. Attack is 7 defence is 6 Hp is 6. ; Construction Crown is 5. Train Speed Crown is 6. Others is 5.
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