Currently has 26140 Gems Max Limit Break Ogrenix(4x Ogrenix) Cloud CURRENTLY 6* Max Limit Break Enhancer(4x Enhancer) WoL 1x Falchion (Terra)
All story missions completed. Orgenix (Cloud's weapon) is 6* Choco blade (Bartz's weapon) is max limited broken Terra's weapon is 2/3 limit broken Enhance (WoL's weapon) is 1/3 infused. Cloud and Terra's crystal strength is lvl50 Vaan's and Squall's crystal strength is above 40 400 dissidia points 6 cycle keys 1550 gems Email [email protected] (Don't know how to post pictures here)
here is an OP account has 75k gems saved and 62 ticket pulls, 11 cycle quest keys and had no problems clearing all contents and events even ifrit trials see the pics for info then message me if you're interested, mine is the best of the best
End-game account able to clear all content. Story easy mode completed, hard mode untouched. All past playerup cleared and event gears obtained. NT code (jumping bonus gift) redeemed already. Some of the weapons for the best future-proof characters in the long term has already been obtained, including Cloud, Squall, Vaan, Terra Selling for: $60 Gil: 560k Gems: 29630 5* weapons: Enhancer (WOL) Buster Sword NT Ver. (Cloud) 35cp special weapon from NT code Ogrenix (Cloud) Skycutter x2 (Hope) Platinum Sword (Vaan) Falchion (Terra) Twin Lance (Squall) Deathbringer (Cecil) Tiger Fang (Tifa) Spharai (Yda) Discord: Hema#3766