Selling an account with a level 80 mesmer on it. The mesmer doesn't have gear, but has 5 gold and 2 special very expensive skins, super greatsword skin and holographic dragon wings backpack skin. It's on the Piken Square server which is a very high populated server, with alot of roleplay guilds. It has all crafts 400. My price : 20?. Really cheap for a level 80, probably the hardest class to get level 80 aswell ! Add me on skype : rancidrode -> payment with paypal NOTE : I do NOT go first. You can request a screen share session or screenshots on skype as proof. Thanks in advance. contacting you bump Update : Still available, just changed email to a disposable email account so transaction can be made as fast and smooth as can be ! Just add me on skype for further questions. 20