Looking to buy a DH account which has EITHER ONE OR MORE of the following attributes (note that i do not expect the account to have all of the below); 1. 300k+ gems 2. Blade Shard 3. Druidess 4. Great creatures, heros and runes e.g. Octa, Hanzo, Aqua etc Please contact me on line to discuss account and prices. Not looking to spend anymore than $300. Also, to provide some perspective on prices: a 333k gems starter account with aqua, taurus was bought for $70 but will obviously pay if the account has more to it. U.S. Server and Andriod accounts only. Line app ID: blaze009 (Apologies, this is the correct ID, prior one was incorrect). Name: blaze009 Thanks https://www.playerup.com/images/smilies/smile.png