Selling  Asia  Android and iOS King's Raid Account [Asia] Level 101 & Lvl 80

Discussion in 'Kings Raid Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by SteveConrad, 1/29/18.

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  1. SteveConrad

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    King's Raid accounts level 101 & 80 [ASIA]
    1st Account Asset summary (Level 101)

    123 Mil Gold, 1469 ruby , 2940 millage
    2,4Mil+ dragon coins, 19k wb point, 29,6k arena coin(increased daily+10% dis from gladi)
    Various DPS Gear set *5 BD T7 & Tank BD set *5 T7; 1 set Fire dragon set 5* T7 (u can swap gear between fd& bd combo set)
    Costume buff 25% gold & 20% exp

    Owning a guild lvl 10 maxed all buff -> u can change the name if u want with name changer

    Hero list:
    Gladi 1*UW, almost 2*
    Laias 1*UW
    Mediana 1*UW
    Nyx 2*UW
    Mitra 1*UW
    Oddy 0*UW

    Tanya 2*UW
    Philop 0*UW

    Gau 0*UW
    Clause NoUW, 5*bd T7
    Richardo 0*UW
    Scarlet 0*UW

    Roi 0*UW
    Selene 0*UW
    Dimael NoUW
    Maria 0*UW
    Morrah 0*UW
    Bau 0*UW
    Leo 0*UW
    Fluss 0*UW
    Lewisia 0*UW
    Kasel NoUW
    Rodina NoUW

    Mirianne 0*UW
    Miruru 0*UW

    Other 5* - 2* Heroes
    Demia, Kaulah, Cleo, Frey, pavel, Jane, Rephy, Lakrak, Epis, Loraine, Reina, Naila, Arch, Aisha, Luna, Priscillia, Annette (0*UW)

    Burning brazier*1 x1, Horn of ancient cow*1, Ancient scope*1 x2, Ancient scope x3, Golden apple x2, mask of ancient king x2, Chain of God*1x1, magic dice*1x1, mask of harpy x3, mask of Lizard x2, frost giant mask x1, mask of orc*1x1 mask of orc x2, mask of goblin*2x1, iron of conviction, orbs of contract, tome of black magic, cross pumpkin head (halloween event), Christmas ornament*1 (christmas event), Fireworks x3 (newyear event) [WB artifact Blessing of earth x2, earth core x1, earth protection, Trident x1], and many more (too many to list)

    Other items

    Various stack of enhance powder,skill books, darkness costume scroll, enhancement scrolls, 2x UW selector, 1115 UW fragments, 3129 artifact piece, ancient attack runes etc, may's & gladi friendship items, and many more!

    further details attached below
    KR acc 1 - Google Drive

    connected with FB account
    Price: 850$


    2nd Account Asset summary (Level 80)

    258 Mil Gold, 12254 ruby + 680 from inventory(22x20 filled large ruby flask & otherworldy filled large ruby flash x1 240) , 2410 millage
    10 Mil+ dragon coins, 5.9k wb point, 39k arena coin (increased daily)
    Various DPS Gear set *5 BD T7 & Tank BD set *5 T7

    Costume buff 54% gold & 24% exp

    Hero list:
    Frey 0*UW
    Laias 0*UW
    Aisha 3*UW + 0*UW for enhance
    Arch 0*UW
    Annette 0*UW
    Arthemia 3*UW
    May 0*UW

    Jane no UW *5 bd T7

    Tanya 0*UW
    Reina 0*UW


    Lorainne 0*UW
    Luna 0*UW
    Priscillia 0*UW
    Mirrianne 0*UW
    Lewisia 0*UW
    Rodina NoUW

    Other 5* - 3* Heroes
    Kaulah, Maria, Kasel, Cleo, Roi, Selene, Mitra, Clause, Leo

    Possessed UW w/o Hero
    Sonia's & Scarlet's UW

    Horn of ancient cow, Ancient scope, Golden apple x2, mask of ancient king x2, Bronze mirror, Chain of God, mask of harpy & Lizard x2, frost giant mask, iron of conviction, orbs of contract, tome of black magic, cross pumpkin head (halloween event), Christmas ornament x2 (christmas event), Fireworks *1 (newyear event) [WB artifact Blessing of earth x1 & Trident x1]

    Other items
    Various stack of enhance powder,skill books, darkness costume scroll, enhancement scrolls, 1325 UW fragments, 3129 artifact piece, 3x ancient attack runes etc, may's & gladi friendship items, and many more!

    further details attached below

    KR acc 2 - Google Drive

    connected with FB account
    Price: 700$


    These 2 accounts will still be played casually so the items such as arena token, ruby, gold, fragments, & etc will keep increasing

    payment method: paypal
    Contact me on email: [email protected] or LINE willywibowo1507 or PM here or skype anything (flexible)
    I don't mind meeting in person if we live on the same location
    if you buy both account i might cut the price

    Thank you & have a nice day :grinning:
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