Sold [Selling account 9 SSR (including Genzo)]

Discussion in 'Captain Tsubasa Dream Team Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/adahami, 1/28/18.

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  1. /u/adahami

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    So i wanna give up on the game bcs i got not time to play so i'm trying to at least get some money out of this account. Didn't log in for like 2 weeks bcs of school so w/e.

    It has Genzo / (Fire Shot) Schneider / (Neo Tiger) Hyuga and some other good SSR. It still has 200 DB + story/events not finished so it's ready for the next DF if you wanna pull:)

    So just leave a message and i'll give you pictures with w/e you want. Team / Items etc and we'll see the price after that. Won't be anything too big bcs i just wanna get rid of it asap.

    # #/adahami
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