COBUDDY is a proxy/# developed for TQ's Conquer Online English Servers/ We mainly focus on a private botting experience to avoid detection. Features we offer: - Clientless botting (as many characters as your PC can handle) - Support for the official (English) version of Conquer Online - Travel/Teleport # (Fast traveling between cities and popular places) - Auto-Potting (Auto pots while leveling/hunting) - Auto-Looting (Auto loots based on loot list) - Auto-repair (Auto repair items while hunting/leveling) - Live support (On discord) PM if you wish to purchase the # (It is a monthly payment or 1 time payment) We offer 2 hours trials. We do not do business outside of playerup (Private messaging system). Price 25 USD (Monthly) 150 USD (1 time payment).
Reduction of lag Hello, This post is dedicated for those who suffer from lag and high ping, NoPing is software that greatly optimizes your gameplay. With unique technology, NoPing Tunnel traces the best route to the server of your favorite online game. Gaining up to 50% improvement depending on your internet! Test for 3 days for free, if you register at the link below: Watch the video below with and without NoPing!