Dream Team for sale https://imgur.com/gallery/Jkm0I. Selling this account as I no longer have enough time to play it. As you can see, the team still can improve by maxing everyone stats (450k+). Some characters have maxed farmable abilities like Misaki and Shingo. Pvp points are over 50k, saving for black balls. Online coins are currently 530k, saving for the SSR ticket. Have 12 black balls stored and over 15k club points, currently sitting on a top 20 club. Selling for $100, PayPal friends and family. Thanks Edit: Here's a previous account I sold playerup.com/r/TsubasaDTTrades/comments/7lza95/30_db_used_genzo_ssr2_ssr/?utm_source=reddit-android # #/vaurhalint # .