Stole Money Scammed after trying to buy a star wars: galaxy if heroes account

Discussion in 'Disputes - Off Site Scams' started by Nitramiam, 1/24/18.

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  1. Nitramiam

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    I would like to report a scam. I was talking to a seller about purchasing a "star wars: galaxy of heroes" account for what was set to 100 dollar. He asked me to add him over gmail where we woul discuss further details. After comfiming my interrest in the account I then transferred the set ammount that he put, however after this he then demanded 50 dollar more saying that he actually meant 150 dollar and not the set price of 100 dollar and that he had made a typo. of course I got furious since I had already transferred the initial 100 dollar, but in the end we came to the agreement that 125 dollar was a fair ammount. However after this he then said that paypal (which was the service we used for the transaction) had locked the money for him for 24 hours. This I can understand because there were 2 moneytransactions made in a small amount of time, which can be dubious. But after having waited for way over 24 hours I started getting worried that he was trying to scam me, so I repeadetly asked him to cantact me, and I seant several mails asking him quistions and such, but to this he plainly responded with a comment simply stating that he was now available to discuss the transaction, without actually answereing any of my questions regarding if he had gotten the money and if they were available to him. After this I felt resorted to threatening him that I would report this incident to paypal and may even take legal actions against him - to which he finally gave me the (what I thought was) mail and pasword to his google play account in which the Star wars: galaxy of heroes (SWGOH as referred to in the mails) lies. However, after having tried to access the account with the provided mail and pasword, it said that they did not add up. I then tried the "recover pasword" option to test if this pasword once was the pasword to the account - and yes it was. I confronted him about the fact that the pasword did not match, but he has since been completely unwilling to cooperate, ignoring all my mails.
    I am making this ticket in hopes that this man will never get the opportunity to sell other accounts or any products in generel on this website. I will be attaching the mail-conversations and provide a link to the purchase I was interrested in - in which you will also find the name of the scammer. If you have any other questions regarding this incident, please feel free to ask.
    - Kind regards Nitramiam

    Also I should add that we had a discussion about comission, that was my bad, I am not a native english speaker so I had no idea what he meant by comission and after googling it I only got more confused - however i got what he meant in the end.

    link to auction (or whatever you wanna call it):  Selling -  Android and iOS - SWGOH 75lvl. 110 char. 6 zetas. Top both arenas. 1.77 GPower | PlayerUp Accounts Marketplace. Player 2 Player Secure Platform.

    Our mail conversation (read from bottom and up) I am danishdevil, and he is of course the other one. Sorry for the big cluster, I have no idea how to do it better.

    Also to add: I made a ticket on paypal in which you have to then wait 4 days before you can escalate the process and involve paypal staff, and in these 4 days he did not respond.

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  2. PlayerUp

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    [trigger]Guide - How To Report A Dispute

    Automated Response

    If someone you believe has scammed you, please open a Dispute Form Here. Filing a report takes 2 minutes and will then provide us the necessary information to take action against the individual and assist you at resolving the dispute. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter and sorry to hear about the problems you experienced.

    [trigger=by]For: Nitramiam Re: #1[/trigger]
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  3. Rolan

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    How to Report a Dispute
    Please fill out all 9 questions below. You must provide proof or your claim cannot be validated.

    1. Date Dispute Happened
    Example: January 1, 2013

    2. Are You The Buyer or Seller
    Example: I'm the Buyer

    3. Total Transaction Value
    Example: $100 USD

    4. Other Parties Username
    Example: Site Username

    5. Method Used To Pay or Receive Payment
    Example: PayPal

    6. Other Parties Email Addresses
    Example: [email protected]

    7. Other Parties Payment Email Address
    Example: [email protected]

    8. Other Parties Messenger Username
    Example: bobskik

    9. Provide All Chat Logs and Additional Information Below

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  4. OP

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    I don't understand, I provided all the information you asked, do you want it in the same format i.e. 1: 2: 3: and so on? either way this was just to warn all future purchasers of this person. However after having talked to another one about buying an account I can now see that the same person that scammed me has several accounts and so I can't be bothered to make too big a deal out of it, so you can either take the information I have given you or I don't care enough to continue this investigation.
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  5. PlayerUp

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    [trigger]Guide - How To Report A Dispute

    Automated Response

    If someone you believe has scammed you, please open a Dispute Form Here. Filing a report takes 2 minutes and will then provide us the necessary information to take action against the individual and assist you at resolving the dispute. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter and sorry to hear about the problems you experienced.

    [trigger=by]For: Nitramiam Re: #3[/trigger]
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  6. Hulk

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    Post just the missing information we need.

    3. Total Transaction Value
    Example: $100 USD

    4. Other Parties Username
    Example: Site Username

    5. Method Used To Pay or Receive Payment
    Example: PayPal

    6. Other Parties Email Addresses
    Example: [email protected]

    7. Other Parties Payment Email Address
    Example: [email protected]

    8. Other Parties Messenger Username
    Example: bobskik
  7. Hulk

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    Unable to locate this member so we'll move this to offsite disputes
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