b1g name ikr. yes, its indigo based, stop crying. manual map injector included. the injector is in romanian language (can't find the source to edit) anyway, just press enter 2 times. Features ★ Legit Chams ★ Box ★ Show Ranks ( Matchmaking ) Screenshots Credits ★ Me. ★ Chopard ( Indigo ) Cheat Virus Scans VirusTotal Jotti Injector Virus Scans VirusTotal Jotti Downloadable Files https://www.playerup.com/forum/mpghv2/attach/rar.gif clau_mpgh.net.rar [Download and Thanks] (129.2 KB) https://www.playerup.com/forum/mpghv2/attach/rar.gif injector_mpgh.net.rar [Download and Thanks] (173.5 KB)