Sold Selling my tb 30 acc 100M (!) Power

Discussion in 'Zgirls Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Serena21, 1/10/18.

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  1. Serena21

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    Hi guys <3 I'm selling my zgirls account. Tb 30, 100M Power, speed ups for over 1 year, billions of rss.
    Items available of every kind and strong enablers and attacking stats are amazing (400% atk deads, mobiles, shooters, 510% atk def and 380% atk hp is my actual gear. you can change it so you'll have way more defense but less attack).
    400k+ diamonds are available too.
    You will be strongest in the city, you dont have to be afraid or shield cause nobody will be able to beat you! Not even if tb 30s rally your school :)
    Ask me if you want to know some things about the account.
    We can discuss about the Price :)
    have a nice day! Serena
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