Quote: 1- Make a copy of the folders that will be modified, then just extract the file ... 2- Open the folder Character, select the five folders: All Cassie ForceModel Kei Viola And paste in: BlackShot \ BlackShot \ Data \ "" Character "" It will ask you to Replace, then replace all the files 5 !!! 3- Open the System folder of our BIG BOSS file, select the two files and paste inside the System folder of our game BlackShot !!! 4- Simply enter a fake account, and be happy !!! Remarks: If Char does not change the color or its shape, then go in settings or settings of the game and change its resolution from mid to low, done this enter the Shop and you will see that your Char will already be modified !!! Congratulations you were able to do everything right, please leave the error message BattlEye Launcher open, to use the Chams BIG BOSS !!! USE WITH STRENGTH HE ALSO USED CHAMS HA HA HA HA HA !!!, ALIAS THE BEST PLAYER ALWAYS USE # VIRUS TOTAL JOTTI SCAN boboCrédits : Snow_FLAKEbobo If this # helped then thank, it costs nothing, good game !!!