[Help] Hello, could you help?

Discussion in 'Subnautica Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by stormais, 1/9/18.

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  1. stormais

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    Hello, could you help ?, I am a Java SE programmer for 2 years, I have a great information about Java values, arguments, among other usable ones, like Math, and wanted to know how can I start programming in C ++ that has some things similar to Java SE, I have a little idea about pointers andress offsets, among others. note: I used OpenGL, and several games created with C ++ use DirectX, so in this part of graphical rendering I have a lot of very little knowledge. My focus is Crossfire Al, I'm Brazilian =). I wanted to learn how to find Addresses how to know which value activates this, whether it is boolean or an integer value, or decimal. I wanted to know how I can load entities in a match, Entities = Players, because in Java SE I was just adding your class to an argument called ArrayList, and looping to load, and get them. Please help me, I really need to learn this, because every day I suffer for nothing, because everything I try to do within the memory of Crossfire Al is useless, I know all the strings and what to do them, I want more know how I can get your real address, and how to know the value that activates it. among other things, simplifying. I want to be a Cheater Programmer.
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