Both accounts have a slew of toons of live server. WTS 60 Mage - 55 Monk - 52 Warrior on the same account. Basic bazaar gear on toons any notable gear listed. around 12k in plat including 5-10k sellables on ec trader. 27 day playtime left. $350 or best offer - 60 Mage - Arch mage robe, other pieces in inventory for turn-in. pst for rest of gear. (Has COTH) 55 Monk - Some shiverback gear 52 Warrior - crustacean gear set $275 or best offer - 60 Epic Shaman on Separate Account Nicely geared. Epic Fungi Full set of resist gear Has all spells Except Torpor pst for other gear. 12 days playtime left. Willing to cut a deal on both accounts together.