Hi all! I decided to sell my account because I have no more time to play, I use the middleman listening to make this transaction more safe for you and for me. I will create a new Facebook. account to connect my khux account, and after completing the transaction I will give you the login data of Facebook. and the mail. Accept only PayPal as payment methods. For 250$ u will buy: Lvl 300, pet lvl 5, Story mode normal quest 705 Story mode proud quest 400 nova lvl 173, 220 limit COST 9.500+ JEWELS (I will take the daily jew for login and quest until u will buy) 6726 Avatar coin, u can buy all the Avatar Board Keyblades: Item for keyblades: (x9 Orichalcum, x24 Sun Gem, x4 Moon Gem, x1 Speed gem, Magic gem, dark matter, electrum ore) Some good medals: HD Final Form Sora, 200%, ATKBIV MAX E LUX+, STR+1000 HD Xion, 180%, ATKBOOST IV MAX, STR+1000 EX ROXAS, 180%, ATK BOOST IV EX ILL. KAIRI, 200% EX. ILL XION, 200% HD VANITAS, 3 DOTS, POISON RESIST TERRA 0.2, 180%, ATK BOOST 4 E GA 2 RIKU DAYS, 2 DOTS HD LARXENE, 180%, EXTRA ATTACK 40%, MAX GAUGE +2, AERIAL DEF-60% HD LARXENE, 161%, MAX HP+800 FINAL BOSS XION, 4 DOTS, POISON RESIST VALOR GENIE, 1 DOTS, SLEEP RESIST HD ZEXION, 5 DOTS, AERIAL ENEMY DEF -60% HD ANTIFOTM SORA, 1 DOT TIFA E AERITH, 0 DOT ILL. SORA B, 150%, STR+1000, MAX GAUGE+2 EX SORA KH3, LORD OF THE DEAD, 3 DOTS, PARALYSIS RESIST AND 800 HP SP VANITAS, 1 DOT KH0.2 KAIRI 150%, SECOND CHANCE II, DMG IN RAIDS 40% ILL.KH2 KAIRI, 3 DOTS, DEF BOOST 4 Trickmaster ,boosted, 130%, ATKBIII SPGAI, STR+1000, WOFF SQUALL, BOOSTED, 2 DOT WOFF TIFA, BOOSTED, 3 DOT All these medals have +1000 str, 1000 def and-10 cost, I have really a lot more as u can see in screenshots .... SKILL: LOT OF 3 STAR SKILLS, DEFENSE BOOST II MAX ATK BOOST 4 E GA 0 ATTACK BOOST 5 ....
UPDATE: Reached 23k+ Jewels Vanitas HD reached 180% guilt and extra attack trait Zexion HD reached 200% guilt Pulled some new good medal and Missing Ache now is +25
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