[Release] XmasCheats | 1/2/2018 | Indigo and Opr Paste | Undetected

Discussion in 'Hawk Freedom Squadron Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by sasyk4, 1/8/18.

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  1. sasyk4

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    Hello everybody,so basically this guy in the name of "oper" invited to some kind of website with hacks,i am not going to say what the site is he has to invite you to his site.So he made me a mod there,and also gave me the # of the cheat,so now i have decided to paste his cheat but also paste alot of features from indigo+indigo menu because "oper" doesnt want anyone to see his cheat,neitehr he wants to see his cheat uloaded to public so i pasted indigo and added features from opr. Hope you enjoy! I think this is the most overpowered pasted cheat at the moment if you want the # you have to be invited to his website

    -TigerBotz (TriggerBot)

    -Knife Changer
    -Skin Changer
    -C4 Timer


    h ttp s:/ /i m gu r.c om/ a/g Qw 1m
    h ttp s:/ /i mg ur.co m/ a/v av G0
    h ttp s:/ /i m gu r.c om/ a/x oA 3E

    h tt ps:/ /w w w.vi ru sto tal.c om/ #/fi le/b 85f6 e7281e71c471908 4a44f800ec7f7a5cf1 a3371c9da10df690 7834b8b378/d ete cti on
    h ttp s:/ /vi russ can.j ot ti.or g/e n-U S/fi lesc anj ob/b9 ux3 338 pv

    Enjoy and happy new year! /yeah
    Downloadable Files

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