Buying Ronan StarRobes Wanted! ANDROID!

Discussion in 'Knights & Dragons Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by RonanWanted, 8/10/14.

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  1. RonanWanted

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    Hello everyone:) i am looking for the latest epic+ or regular version, The Ronan StarRobes.

    i am willing to pay up to 150-225$ (depends wich epics you have) Serious sellers! dont approach me with like 2 epics cuz i aint stupid uknow.

    it might also be Ravaged Shieldplate+

    KiK: Codplayerbo
    Skype: Fuvicextaffer

    Middleman can be used if you prefer (you will pay for the fee:) )

    Ooh yeah and BTW dont come up to me and say stupid love you, dont try to scam me ive seen all the tricks in the book!.
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