Looking to sell my Phantom Ranger account on Giran04. It's a top clan account, always in top 5 arena, already been 1st place many times. Over 100 Grade A scrolls for level 180 cap increase and a bunch of reds so you can easily level up fast and get tons of adena asap. Tower has all 70 floors completed for tons of Runes auto clear, 197k Adena dungeon auto clear, account has extra rares to limit break and upgrade attributes, and has done multiple combines for the combine event already which will reward a Grade R varnish for every combine. In 3 weeks accessories can easily be full SR if you combine a lot during event. Cruma 3 is easily soloable, 5 mobs at a time easy. Over 2k RSS and a bunch of scrolls to try and enhance. Been hoarding. https://imgur.com/a/djPrK PM me for details. Account starting at $350 but I'm open for negotiations and offers. Account is linked via Facebook. Can be used on Android or iOS.