Selling Rank 1 Account for sale! PayPal verified, offer!

Discussion in 'Fantasica Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Beatrix Van, 12/28/17.

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  1. Beatrix Van

    Beatrix Van
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    Kik/Line gwbeatrix
    I’ll answer fastest on those
    PayPal verified! Any account contents also for sale~

    Notables on Unit List (most soul unlocked)

    Ω Yoshinari Mori A2 Max
    Ω Khatan A2 Max
    Ω Danzo Kato A4 Max
    Ω Maynx A4 Max
    Felix & Huxley
    Eioh (crossover)
    Ω Frokey Max
    Ω Rysober Max
    Ω Cervinae 220
    Ω Pullman Max
    Olivier x2
    Ω Cerceau A4 Max
    Ω Kubo Hime A3 Max
    Ω Naranj Max
    Ω Eireann A1 Max
    Ω Charlemagne A2 Max
    Ω Treemy A4 Max
    Ω Igneus Max
    Ω Glacies A2 Max
    Mastis X A4 Max
    Wanta Pc 50-75
    Zorah Pc 50-100
    Xanthe M Pc 2-3k
    Xariah Pc 500-1.2k
    Kele Pc 1-2k
    Alt Pc 100-250
    Mary Pc 100
    4 10 star monsters
    A bunch more 10 stars

    Inbox and Inn
    25+ 11 stars
    30+ 10 stars
    3000+ pc in 9 stars
    2000+ Pc in 7-8 stars
    Lots of old 4-6 stars
    20+ nerio
    10+ aerora
    Some aeromas... they’re stuck in my inbox I’m too lazy to check, it’s a good number though
    Hundreds of other ascension and enhance gods

    Lots of luna
    Over a million leana points
    Over 30,000 OP points
    Maxed out skills
    Best event rank was number one in guild war, don’t know for individual
    Awesome allies <3
    1000+ pots
    Two star coins (sorry I didn’t play much after they were added)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. PlayerUp

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  3. OP
    Beatrix Van

    Beatrix Van
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    I don’t know how to edit so here’s an update:

    Kik/Line gwbeatrix
    I’ll answer fastest on those
    PayPal verified! Any account contents also for sale~

    Notables on Unit List (most soul unlocked)

    Ω Yoshinari Mori A2 Max
    Ω Khatan A2 Max
    Ω Danzo Kato A4 Max
    Ω Maynx A4 Max
    Felix & Huxley
    Eioh (crossover)
    Ω Frokey Max
    Ω Rysober Max
    Ω Cervinae 220
    Ω Pullman Max
    Olivier x2
    Ω Cerceau A4 Max
    Ω Kubo Hime A3 Max
    Ω Naranj Max
    Ω Eireann A1 Max
    Ω Charlemagne A2 Max
    Ω Treemy A4 Max
    Ω Igneus Max
    Ω Glacies A2 Max
    Mastis X A4 Max
    Wanta Pc 50-75
    Xanthe M Pc 2-3k or $120
    Xariah Pc 500-1.2k or $52
    Kele Pc 1-2k or $70
    Alt Pc 100-250 or $8
    Mary Pc 100 or $5

    Inbox and Inn
    25+ 11 stars
    Lots of vanities/old 4-9 stars
    20+ nerio
    10+ aerora
    Some aeromas... they’re stuck in my inbox I’m too lazy to check, it’s a good number though
    Hundreds of other ascension and enhance gods

    Lots of luna
    Over a million leana points
    Over 30,000 OP points
    Maxed out skills
    Best event rank was number one in guild war, don’t know for individual
    Awesome allies <3
    1000+ (P)
    252 te 0.065 each (# $15 all)
    41 pots 0.065 each (# $2.50 all)
    Two star coins (sorry I didn’t play much after they were added)

    All open to negotiations~
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  4. PlayerUp

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    Automated Helper Bot
    Bot Status (Automated): Handles automated general support inquiries

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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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