Selling my endgame account that I been playing for a super long time now. **NO # OR CHEATING ON ACCOUNT** Don't have time to play no more, was fun while it lasted. 2 Ultimate cards: Lighting and Cloud 2 MaxedBoosted level 32 Class: Puglist and 1st Class 4 Supreme Cards: Duncan, ExDeath, Ragnorak, 2x Aerith Max boosted lvl 3: Duncan, ExDeath, Ragnorak 1688 Ability Tickets All Map Cleared both Easy and Hard Current Tower ranking as of 1/1/2018 - Aggregate Aggression 2017 Rank 965 165+ Phoenix Down 136 Crystals Bunch of Seeds for all Elements Looking to sell for $550 Serious Buyer only - Skype Me @luckylee[email protected] or PM. **Paypal** Images