Sold Selling DFOG Semi-Endgame Account

Discussion in 'Dungeon Fighter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by AndySamson, 1/1/18.

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  1. AndySamson

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    I really don't have time to log on Raid days due to my university workload along with other obligations, plus I don't enjoy playing this game anymore. Seraph has Amnesia Ring, Pars' Golden Grail, Death Sentence on hotbar. Here's a link to the more notable characters on the account: (Note: The other characters are barebones in terms of gear (Halidom/OV sets) besides the Seraph. Seraph's emblems are all Gold/Plat [Int, Cast, Movespeed/Castspeed, Int/HP, Valor Blessing])

    The price I am looking for is around $216 USD (mainly for my textbooks or maybe Windows 10), though it is #. Add me on Discord and we can discuss any inquiries you have.

    Discord: AndySamson#7641
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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