Let's start a thread of excuses for not sending defective items back!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Services for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Kwake, 1/1/18.

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  1. Kwake

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    Hi guys, I've been a lurker without an account for a while and have things I'll contribute when I have time :D. So this post is about something I think we can all agree is annoying: making an excuse for why you can't send a defective item back. The last things I need for my PC (bought the rest legitimately) are the GPU and HDD. I struggle with what to say when I can't return the defective models. I know the "blood" method, but it seems weak...you can just wash blood off. Does anyone have any ideas they'd feel okay sharing here? If not, I would really appreciate a PM, even just one solid method is all I need. I frequent other SE forums and talk to many other SE'rs and you have my word I won't spread your methods around.

    This post could be great for anybody who ever searches this exact thing. I haven't found any posts like this, so why not start one now? Thanks.
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