Macro Detected in BlackShot Global / SEA what to do to get back to being Undetectable Again, here are some instructions: To leave the Macro Undetectable just change your String put String of type in Special characters, because BlackShot Detecting the String only, when changed they work again without causing Banning in accounts, I recommend you create your own String, and not leave public or share, because when sharing the String may to be detected by the anticheats, thus being a String 100% FUD besides cleaning the Stub of your Macro that guarantees a greater durability, not to be Detected otherwise and even then after having made the exchange of your String, and still being Banning in accounts, it is then this project was already better to create a new one from scratch, where I taught to do in another video, I hope that right for you with me always works !!! Note: When you go through the total virus, try to leave the virus rate almost 2/60 to 3/60 because when you put passwords in the files it gives a boost in hiding% fake viruses, as you can realize the virus rate there is false positive, even a clean file always detects buggy virus site sucks even Soon I must introduce other methods of undetecting macro Tutorial NoRSnow - V5 - [Revelation] Undetectable Crédits: Snow_FLAKE