Looking to sell my account,has many +4 and fragments for few others,has some major leader skills , has medals and legacies V and IV. too lazy to show everything. Here are some pics : https://gyazo.com/0f8a5f23716630824a15a8442a2edd27 https://gyazo.com/931b6563d9be3d84cc95f605cdab4557 Looking for 150$ ONLY Looking to sell my account,has many +4 and fragments for few others,has some major leader skills , has medals and legacies V and IV. too lazy to show everything. Here are some pics : https://gyazo.com/0f8a5f23716630824a15a8442a2edd27 https://gyazo.com/931b6563d9be3d84cc95f605cdab4557 AOE lkm ST gallant AOE omegamon ST Wargreymon 2x AOE metal garuru (mainly for farming dungeons)