Sold Selling WTS (private server) endgame account all +30

Discussion in 'Aura Kingdom Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by DeliciousIce, 12/29/17.

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  1. DeliciousIce

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    Notable features of account:

    -Noble panel (red & gold character border with the awakening patch)
    -Full lvl 90 set +30, full level 80 set +30, pvp set +20
    -100+ of each superior fort scroll, 8 FGS120%, multiple exp crystals all in warehouse ready for any new content/gear
    -48k ruby coins (can roll paragon 240 times)
    -Lvl 90 Lancer/Bard 1.9mil GS
    -Lvl 90 HS/Shuri 1.8 mil GS
    -Lvl 91 Shuri/HS 1.8mil GS
    -Lvl 90 Wiz/Shuri 1.8mil GS
    -Lvl 85 Rav/Bard 1.6mil GS
    -4 other alts all level 80+ with full damned set +30 and can carry STH
    -4.5mil eidolon score, eidolon prayer buffs 80% done
    -Tons of costumes for both male and female, including many of the new popular and old school costumes

    $90 lowest price through paypal only

    PM me with your skype or discord info if interested, I check PMs often
    Can send you more details and all screenshots through skype or discord, just PM me
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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