How to Report a Feedback Dispute Please fill out all 6 questions below. You must provide proof or your claim cannot be validated. 1. Date Dispute Happened Example: January 1, 2013 2. Are You The Buyer or Seller Seller 3. Total Transaction Value Example: $100 USD 4. Other Members Username Middleman 5. Why Should The Feedback Be Removed Buyer canceled not me 6. Provide All Chat Logs, Screenshots and Additional Information BelowBuyer wrote me in Facebook. that he found an accout and he don t need mine becouse middleman takes more than 1 wrek to respond lol. I lost more than 4 trades already becouse middlemans dont dont their jobs (no hate)
I spoke with @Middleman about this, they provided screenshots and none of this is true. You had a couple listings open and you never communicated or followed through on any of them. They left you 1 negative feedback when you technically were supposed to receive 2-4 negative feedbacks so you're lucky they only left you 1. Your only option to get this removed is you need to start doing good business here. If you can complete a middleman order, then you can request the feedback removed. Until then since you haven't actually been able to deliver any middleman orders, then this feedback cannot be removed at this time.
Also a fair warning, FAKE feedback is prohibited so I have closed those accounts you created to give yourself feedback and removed those feedbacks. Like I said, do good business here, you'll be fine. Create fake accounts, make up stories, potentially scam people and your account will be closed. I think we have given you enough warnings so this will be the last courtesy warning to you here.