Selling [Sell Urban Rivals Cr Cards Lowest price of them all !]

Discussion in 'Urban Rivals Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by clintzmad, 12/28/17.

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  1. clintzmad

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    Hi guys

    I'm selling my Clintz for a really cheap price.

    3.000.000 Clintz for £2.50 - Buy 3x and get 1.000.000 Clintz extra!
    9.000.000 Clintz for £6.00 - Buy 3x and get 3.000.000 Clintz extra!

    I also sell cards like: Nemo Cr, Armanda Cr, Marlysa Cr, Sum Sam Cr, Miss Twice Cr, Ombre Cr and many more!

    Contact me if your interested in Collector cards or Clintz on Ebay.

    If you wish to get in touch with me please Email me at

    [email protected]

    If you want to get in touch to chat with me, my Ebay Username is BuyerClint1000

    Also, the more that is purchased of me, I give even larger discounts so you get easy clintz.

    I'm looking forward to selling, I will be online every day to check if anyone wants anything.

    Please do get in contact if your missing a card and need it badly, I can help you!
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