Hello everyone, I'm selling my account with a Lv 95 Lann +14 Righteous Judgement Regina Twin Spear +15 Immortal Judgement Hermon Twin Spear +15 Immortal maelstrom Piasraspear Fully Enchanted Regina armor set. except hat and pants are black pearl. Fully enchanted Accessories cept i sold the belt. 27k ATT, almost 12K DEF . Tons of valuable stuffs, outfitter sets, all kinds of runes, Premium Enchant runes, enchant runes, enhance rune, fusion+premium fusion rune, +11 runes, VVIP, VIP , badgets. etc. in the account also has a well geared Arisha, OK geared Hurk. looking for hopeful $400. willing to take offers. I cant post links, so If you are interested and want more details, add me on Skype: Lonelylann wechat Quan9030