Sold Selling WTS [EU-Moonsea] Vanguard lvl79 / 380k might / Mech Top 5 Clear / Deluxe Pack

Discussion in 'Revelation Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by BayLife22, 12/25/17.

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  1. BayLife22

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    Closed beta account
    Deluxe founder pack and Pheonix pack (means you have Cat, Sera wings, 4 diff weapon skins and stuff!)
    380k Might
    213k GS
    Great PvP and PvE Marks, all pvp marks lvl V :)
    Two 79 PvP piece for +7% pvp dmg and 11% crit reduction and rest gear pieces except earrings lvl 79
    Full level 5/7 soul grid
    80 arcane art points
    All special skills lv10 with a lot of daos unlocked
    Max pvp rank
    Social lvl 66
    Mech Citadel top 5 and a lot other achievements, like Legendary Fisheman, Master of Discs, all extreame windswept gauntlet achivements etc.
    Whole set with tiers unlocked +13/+16
    Last path
    Tier 9 demonslayer
    Tons of costumes
    Tali lvl13 with all bonuses unlocked
    Badge with has ultimate rune
    A lot costumes and mounts, wings
    and more

    Account comes with email.

    b/o price: 300$
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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