Selling Selling 8.5k Total Alexina Human

Discussion in 'Mabinogi Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by AboveKool, 12/24/17.

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  1. AboveKool

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    SELLING 8.5K total Alexina Human
    200 Dollars Paypal (money first)


    Notable Armor
    Mithril Heavy lance armor R13L Final hit Duration
    Infantry boots R13L Dropkick dmg 20 raincast cooldown 20
    Dark knight gauntlets R13L Combat mastery damage 20
    Just a few armor items that are good there are a few more

    Notable weapons
    Two CRK swords Upgraded
    Ele 5 oculus lance R5
    Ele 6 Stigmata knuckles R6
    Ele 8 spirit bow
    Once again alot more weapons in the account

    Notable outfits are all oreo and are shown in the pictures

    I have a decent amount of pets (34) and have mastered 10 talents
    This account will come with 889 ap and has a 2k exploration

    Contact me through skype - chars0.0 or email me [email protected]

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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