Sold Selling Level 100 H1Z1 account w/ FFTC Hoodie!

Discussion in 'H1Z1 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Mooters, 12/22/17.

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  1. Mooters

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    I am selling my level 100 account with Fight for The Crown Hoodie on it! There are some other items on the account as well, such as:

    Looking for around $400, but only taking payments in CS:GO skins (May be flexible on payment method)

    - Royalty Emotes
    - Low-tier Skull shop items
    - Vertigo AR
    - Vertigo Helmet
    - Royalty Showdown Viewer AR
    - Yellow Bunny Mask
    - Red Bunny Mask

    Has some other newer unobtainable items as well.

    Steam link:

    Add me on steam ^^^^ So we can talk more about the account!
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