Sold Selling Warlord main. Anton sell ready. Along with other goodies. 2015 account

Discussion in 'Dungeon Fighter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by th0du0, 12/21/17.

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  1. th0du0

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    Been playing this game since March 2015. Mained Warlord as soon as it came out, so that character has most of the goodies on this account. One of the goodies is a strong Female Crusader with 3600 int and +4 Crux levels through swapping. Warlord can easily sell Anton Raid and run Luke normals consistently. Not Luke Raid ready yet. Epic dictionary is around 36% average for level 85 gear and 15% for level 90 gear. My Warlord unfortunately only has +8 Demonic Unleash through swaps, so you will be missing +4% Critical Damage until you find better swaps somewhere else.

    This account doesn't have much since I just came back from a 6 month break, but it is a strong place to start. After coming back, I realized I don't want to play this game anymore. The rest of the information that I feel is necessary will be in screenshots. Please post here if you want more details or contact me on Discord at Chase #2470. If you do message me privately please let me know that you are interested in the account and/or details from your very first message.

    As for the price, I will accept no lower than 250 USD. Also, please keep in mind I will only accept payment via Venmo and be ready to pay me first. At best, I will accept 75% up front and 25% after you log in and go through Goblin Pad. After posting this, I will no longer play on this account, so please hurry before event stuff expires if you want it. I am on Discord 24/7.

    If I missed anything in the screenshots, you know how to contact me. Thanks. Will all of that being said, here are all the screenshots I have compiled with descriptions.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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